White-Rodgers 1F83C-11PR, 4.5" Display, Conventional or Heat Pump (1H/1C). Program Choices: 7 Day, 5+1+1 Day Or Non-Programmable Digital Thermostat; Backlit Display, 24 Volt, System Switch-Heat, Off, Cool, Fan Switch-Auto, On, Keypad Lockout, Temperature Limits, Profile-Horizontal, Dual Power: Hardwire And/Or Battery, Range 45-99ºF
• Attractive Sensi thermostat styling for non-wi-fi applications.
• Universal (single stage, multi-stage, heat pump), conventional and heat pump models.
• Bright, high contrast backlight.
• Automatic heat/cool changeover option.
• Keypad lockout and adjustable heat/cool temperature limits.
• Built in dual fuel logic program eliminates the need for an outdoor sensor.