The Clear Choice in HVAC/R Wholesale
Welcome to Rogers Supply, the clear choice in HVAC/R
Fasco® D209 Double Shaft Shaded Pole General Purpose Motor, 1/30 hp, 115 V, 1.1 A, 3000 Rpm, 3.3 Inch Frame , 60 Hz
Fasco® D236 Double Shaft Shaded Pole Fan Coil Motor, 1/10 - 1/15 - 1/25 hp, 115 V, 3.5 - 2.4 - 1.8 A, 1550 Rpm, Open
Fasco® D294 Double Shaft Permanent Split Capacitor Fan Coil Motor, 1/10 - 1/20 - 1/25 - 1/35 - 1/50 hp, 115 V, 1050 Rpm
Fasco® D310 Shaded Pole General Purpose Motor, 1/12 hp, 115 V, 4 A, 1500 Rpm, Frame 4.4 Inch, 60 Hz, 1 Phase, CW
Fasco® D335 Double Shaft Shaded Pole Fan Coil A/C and Heating Unit Motor, 1/20 - 1/30 - 1/40 - 1/60 hp, 115 V, 1550 Rpm
Fasco® D340 Shaded Pole Ventilator and Unit Heater Motor, 1/40 hp, 115 V, 1.1 A, 1050 Rpm, Frame 42, 60 Hz, 1 Phase
Fasco® D366 Double Shaft Shaded Pole General Purpose Motor, 1/14 - 1/25 hp, 115 V, 2.5 - 1.5 A, 1500 Rpm, Frame 3.3 Inch
Fasco® D374 Shaded Pole General Purpose Motor, 1/8 - 1/20 hp, 115 V, 4 - 2.5 A, 1500 Rpm, Frame 4.4 Inch, 2-Speed
Fasco® D377 Shaded Pole General Purpose Motor, 1/12 hp, 115 V, 3.1 A, 1500 Rpm, Frame 4.4 Inch, 60 Hz, 1 Phase
Fasco® D404 Permanent Split Capacitor General Purpose Motor, 1/10 hp, 208/230 V, 0.8 A, 3000 Rpm, 3.3 Inch Frame
Fasco® D410 Draft Booster Motor, 1/10 hp, 115 V, 1.5 A, 3000 Rpm, Frame 3.3 Inch, 1-Speed
Fasco® D456 Fuel Exhaust and Draft Booster Blower Motor, 1/15 hp, 115/230 V, 2 - 1 A, 3000 Rpm